VietNamNet Bridge ? Nearly 30 years ago a French film executive Jean Jacques Annaud went to a southern city of Can Tho to fire scenes for his film The Lover. He was seduced by a beauty of a ancient residence of Binh Thuy, and motionless that it would form a partial of his movie.

Stately mansion: The heavily rhetorical Binh Thuy House was built in 1870. ? VNS Photos
Many people saw a residence in a film ? that featured Jane Mar and Tony Leung Ka-fai as a French lady and a Chinese male who fell in adore in 1920s Viet Nam ? and have done a debate to Can Tho to revisit it.
Recently we was one such visitor. During a brief stay in a city we braved a sleet with a friend, rented a motorbike and visited a house, that can be found in Bui Huu Nghia Street, Binh Thuy District, 5km from Can Tho.
To a surprise, a residence seemed even some-more pleasing than a one we remembered from a film. The grey skies beyond could not low a fantastic beauty of a East -West pattern and a eager flowers sitting in front of a immature windows above a balconies embellished pink.
The charming demeanour of a residence done us forget that it was built some-more than 140 years ago.
Annauld found a singular pattern of a residence quite appealing, with a multiple of eastern and western cultures.

Precious: A turn marble-topped list stands in a residence by Vuong Bach Lien
While a outward coming of a building is a French design, a interior is totally Vietnamese.
The centrepiece of a residence is a vast ancestral altar, that is lacquered in red and embellished with gold.
The house?s biggest warn however is a value trove of ancient objects that have been recorded for generations. There is a turn marble list dating behind to a 18th century, a integrate of 19th century unresolved lamps, and a set of French list and chairs from a 17th-century power of Louis XIV.
The residence is also versed with pleasing ancient wooden furniture, and all from a rinse dish to a jars in a kitchen are profitable antiques.
According to Ngo Thi Ngoc Lien, a aged lady charged with looking after a residence and receiving visitors, many collectors frequently come to ask a family to sell a ancient objects. Their ask has always been refused, even during times when a life of a owner?s family was really difficult.
The 300sq.m residence has witnessed a arise and tumble of her family by Viet Nam?s violent history. It was built in 1870 by a family named Duong, who initial arrived in a southern segment by a late 19th century.
The tangible owners of a residence is Duong Chan Hien, a grandson of Duong Chan Ky, a landlord who was a developer in a 20th century. According to Lien, when French colonialists assigned a segment they forced her family to leave a house, and soldiers lived in a building during those years.
The residence has now turn a place of ceremony for a Duong family. During gratifying days and anniversaries of family members death, a children and grandchildren accumulate together to commemorate their ancestors and organize large celebratory parties. Except on those special days, a residence is open to visitors for a whole year.
Lien pronounced that she has welcomed tourists from many opposite countries, a lot of them drawn to a residence by The Lover.
?I am astounded to see such an aged and pleasing house. The still ambience of a place is really suggestive of some scenes in The Lover. we am overwhelmed to see that such an aged place could be recorded and stay undamaged,? says Tran Nhu Nguyen, a visitor.
I was totally bewitched by a house; a architecture, a story and also a smashing 4,000sq.m garden. We were given a discerning debate of a garden and enjoyed a far-reaching operation of flowers planted. It hosts several kinds of orchids and cacti.
Lien explains that Duong Van Ngon (1905-85), from a fifth era of a Duong family, desired orchids. He attempted to collect several kinds along with other flowers. His descendants have cared good for a garden, that includes a 40-year-old 10-metre cactus.

Famous: A print for a film L?amant (The Lover) sealed by executive Jean-Jacques Annaud
was given to Duong Minh Hien, a owners of a home.
After a debate we sat down during a mill list underneath a yard?s hulk trees and took another demeanour during a outward of a house.
The sleet continued to tumble heavily and so we sought preserve underneath a wooden roof where a Duong family used to splash tea in a aged times. The surge done me remember a stormy stage from The Lover where a Chinese male begs his father to concede him to marry a French lady that he loves.
Inspired by a success of a plcae in that film, countless internal directors have selected to fire their cinema in Binh Thuy. It has starred in Chan Troi Noi Ay (The Distant Horizon), Nhung Neo Duong Phu Sa (The Silt Ways), and Cay Tre Tram Dot (the Hundred-Knot Bamboo Tree).
Thanks to a antique beauty, it has been recognized as a inhabitant vestige for architectural humanities by a Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism given Mar 2009. This new approval has done a residence even some-more appealing to visitors.
The provincial supervision and descendants of a owners are perplexing to keep a residence stable while also publicising it all over a country.
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